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What are you doing?

Created on: 03/30/09 07:04 PM Views: 4340 Replies: 7
What are you doing?
Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 02:04 PM
Tell us what you are doing now.

Are You ready for the reunion? And are you excited?

RE: What are you doing?
Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 02:07 PM
Working outside to build raised garden beds. Hope to have some fresh veggies this summer.

Working outside to make some raised garden beds. Hope to have some fresh veggies this summer.

RE: What are you doing?
Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 09:03 PM
I am checking out the new classmate chat. This is nice. Thank you guys for adding this feature.

I am checking out the classmate chat. This is nice.

RE: What are you doing?
Posted Monday, May 25, 2009 02:07 PM

Today is Memorial Day .... I'm at the office, so I don't know what I'm doing ....


RE: What are you doing?
Posted Sunday, June 28, 2009 01:35 PM

Well, I'll be honest with you...I never thought I'd be doing this. I just want to say hello to everyone. I found it funny that I was on the missing page...I wanted to be missing for a long time I guess. There are some of you that I never even spoke to....some of you that I'd love to talk to....I guess it's time. I noticed so many people had viewed this thread, but nobody has replied. Maybe now that the one least likely to reply has replied more will do the same....You my opinion....if we're gonna do this thing....we ought to do it with the gusto that we lived life with back then. I hope more will reply and say hello. Anyway, so here I am....out in the open....saying hello after all these years...Why do I suddenly hear "Let The Sunshine In" in my!

RE: What are you doing?
Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:07 PM

Hi , 

I am getting ready to watch the 11:00 (WLOS) news.  I read Jeff's  chat and thought that I would say hello.  Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.  June '09 has passed so quickly.  The days and months tend to do that since we have grown older and wiser.  We must praise God for each day and be thankful for all that we have.


Take care, enjoy the sunshine and hope to see each of you at the reunion.

Elizabeth G. Womack

PS  Dan says hello too! 



RE: What are you doing?
Posted Wednesday, August 12, 2009 09:03 AM

Sitting at work, watching it rain....needing to get some things done but really not wanting to.  Got mail from my friend Janice which brought me here again. It always makes me smile to see old photos and then the kudos to the ones who have posted recent photos. We were brave, weren't we? For the committee who put this website together, thanks!

RE: What are you doing?
Posted Monday, September 21, 2009 03:56 PM

I'm not sure who will check this site after the reunion. I just wanted to tell all of you who expected me to be at the reunion that I was sorry I wasn't able to attend. There were a lot of you guys that I really wanted to see and talk to. Vickie was able to spend several hours with me on Sunday and she gave me the low! I'm glad ya'll had a good time and I hated to hear about Tim Freeman. He may not remember it, but the teacher had to seperate us in about the 3rd grade because the two of us were cutting up and laughing too much. I hope that those of you that I've talked to will stay in touch. My email address is for any of you that I've not talked to! Take care all! Jeff