Waynesville--Randall L. Ammons, 19, of 125 Fuller St. died Saturday June 14, 1980 from an automobile accident. He was a carrier for the Asheville-Citizen Times and atteneded Tuscola High School.
Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Ammons of Waynesville, the paternal grandfather, Don Ammons of Tuckasegee, the maternal grandfather, Will Barnes of Sylva, the paternal great-grandmother Florence Ashe of Webster, a brother Alan Ammons of Waynesville, a sister, Linday Faye Rich of Waynesville and a nephew.
Services will be held at 11am Monday in the Chapel of Moody Funeral Home, Sylva. The Rev. Virgil Holloway will officiate. Burial will be in Fairview Memorail Gardens.